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Monday, July 7, 2014


Ahhhhhh forgiveness!!!

I personally believe that forgiveness is one of the main keys to living a life you love! Forgiveness is key in releasing things that might be holding you back. Personally speaking I have had a hard time forgiving those in my past and present thinking that they are the reason of my unhappiness until I truly forgave them and released them and their thought patterns from my life. I have felt a big shift and weight off my shoulders! They were/are doing the best they knew how at the time.

Here is a simple step by step to do with me!

  • Think of someone you hold animosities towards or someone you think wronged you in some way. This can be someone currently in your life or in your past.
  • Take a deep breath. Imagine their face and say (with love) out load or to yourself, "I forgive you, I understand you were only doing the best you knew at the time, I thank you for the lesson you taught me, I release any holding you have on me."
  • Forgive yourself for not knowing how to release them sooner. Everything happens for  a reason
  • Send them and yourself love!
  • Imagine yourself walking up stairs and at the top you raise your hands up and lift your head and say out load. "I AM FREE"!
  • Take another deep breath and thank yourself!

Forgiveness can be a process but recognition is the first step. Now honor yourself and the next time you have a choice of what to eat choose the healthier option because you deserve to give your body the optimal nutrients available so you can thrive and live a life you LOVE!

-Hallie Inspire Healthy Love


Sunday, January 1, 2012

HELLO 2012

It is finally 2012. A new beginning we all have been waiting for! I am so excited to introduce my blog. I had been thinking of creating one for a while. 2011 has taught me many things but above all it has taught me that my dreams can become a reality. After planning my destination wedding and it becoming a complete success I thought if I can create my dream wedding I can create my dream life so this is my start. My focus for 2012 will be Loving Healthy Living. Learning to apply simple ways to love a healthy lifestyle and take the initiative to better our physical well being in return creating a better mental well being. It starts with simple steps that become habitual. My posts won't be too long so you won't get bored. I hope you enjoy this adventure with me. It all starts with the first step. Below I have posted a recipe for a simple and healthy side salad your welcome to enjoy. I will be tonight for dinner. 
Simple Side Salad
Serves 2
3 cups of baby greens
4 leaves of kale - super rich in antioxidants. (tip: massage kale with a dash of olive oil & dash of sea salt)
1/2 cup of walnuts
2 apples
Olive Oil
Balsamic Vinegar


Turn on oven to 350 degrees place walnuts on a cookie sheet, heat walnuts in oven for 10 minutes let walnuts cool. Peel and core apples, slice and put into hot saute pan drizzle olive oil, stir and add a dash of balsamic olive oil and sprinkle of cinnamon. Let apples cool. In salad bowl mix baby greens with cut up kale. Place walnuts and apples on top of greens and drizzle olive oil and balsamic to taste. Enjoy!